Friday, September 17, 2010

Time Culture :The way of the Universe

The words used to describe time are culture specific. Different cultures describe time differently and experience time differently. Than we do. True, the present is immeasurably brief, and it is the only moment in which we can influence the future and change the effects of the past. I think of time more like a lake, than a river. There are so many possible futures and so many possible interpretations of the past. We can move in any direction without the connotations of “up”, “down”, “forward” or “backward”. In this image, time does not run, like a river. We run, or walk, or stop.

The question of what makes up the universe is one of the central questions of Buddhism. One theory is that while things are alive, the essential “stuff” of the universe is animate, while things are dead, the “stuff” is inanimate. Each living being is like a wave on the surface of  the ocean; rising and then dissolving, and rising again.  Some schools of Buddhism say that everything we see and experience is a creation of the mind. Therefore, “mind” is the only truth.  I think Einstein would say that there no “stuff”, only energy in two different forms. His energy equation says that there is only energy, but it appears in two forms: energy and mass.. I  don’t know what I think about this…

April (Dad)


I am not sure what you mean by “news.” I think you might mean information we get from other people that is not based on our own experience. I agree that our thoughts are based on the environment we grow in and the information we are given. And, I understand exactly what you mean about how we become different. I would also add that we are born different, too. If you watch babies, you will see. Maybe you remember your siblings as babies. Some seem to be born happy, and some seem to be born easily frightened, for example. Different physiology, I guess, lays that foundation. Then comes experience and then when we have language we begin to get “educated.” Education is a kind of brain-washing, it is how all cultures strive to help their children fit in to the existing structure. Parents are our first educators. Unfortunately, our parents and the rest of the educators we encounter have limitations on their experience, their intelligence, their willingness and ability to communicate to us. So, we often get bad information, as well as the good. If we are lucky and smart, we will realize that and strive to find better and more accurate information. However, many people don’t even know what has happened, and they suffer greatly without having any idea what to do about it!

A lot of emotion starts from our thinking, but not all. I think there are at least two kinds of emotion. We are of course happy, sad, frustrated, etc. when our thinking matches or does not match the cause and effect relationships in the world. When we do what we think we should do and get a good outcome, we are happy. When we do what we think we should do and get a bad outcome, however, we are sad and frustrated. On the other hand, there are lots of emotions that have nothing to do with our thoughts. All the ones that are wired into us at conception. Grief we feel at separation, no matter how much we “think” we have made a good choice. Pleasure when we are touched by a caring person. Love…

I used to think that emotion was the “perfect phenomena”. Now I don’t think so.  Sometimes it gives great guidance. Fear, for example, can protect me, but it can also prevent me from trying something new and growing. Love can cause me to become confused in many ways that can be harmful.

I like the idea that positive emotions are the motivating cause for civilization. Most people I know talk about civilization being caused negative emotions: one strong man’s desire for power and control, usually. I always wondered how that could be possible if the larger group did not want it. They must get something out of it, or they would walk away.

I think it is true that people want to be together. We need a community. We need a family. Americans unfortunately are getting more and more isolated. Families are spread out all over the country. More and more people are living alone. We are getting more and more unhappy, especially as we age. We have lots of “stuff”, but not much love and joy. Without those two things, it is difficult to find a purpose to live and overcome the difficulties of living.

This is a good, challenging topic. Thanks for inviting me to respond!

One of my Reader: April Bresgal

A Girl of Emotions-Love-sadness & Beauty

I don't know from where i will start.But i knew her ,sometimes i saw her walking side by the road,sometimes i saw her when she comes to talk to my friend.
It was sudden the girl fall for love with the man i supposed to know .Its always obvious if we talk to someone they get to knew each other and that's what the big emotion comes and a certain situation creates where boy-girl just wants to be with each other.and the great emotion of LOVE begins.The girl faced the same situation she find herself in the ocean of love.No matter what happen ocean never gets dry,love always stays . She was in the beauty of love .Every time i look at her eyes ,her  eyes were smiling, i just feel that her eyes full of surprises .Than She began to design her love with the beauty of her eyes ,her thought and when her house of love was finished designing.
The next day morning someone knocked at her house and she opened the door. An anonymous was there.
She asked : Who are you?
Anonymous  : I am Sad.
She: why u came here?
Anonymous: Look at around your house , you will know?

She look around the house and asked : what's wrong with it?
Anonymous: When last night you are sleeping ,a storm come and apart your love from the ocean.
She : No, it cant be.
She cried and suddenly the man disappear.She was crying and crying thinking her house is no longer a house of love.She each they look at her house and cry -cry -cry.No matter what she looks for she find herself alone and sadness all around her.
A year passed ,2 year passed  than one they she came out of the house and she was shocked ---
In the blue sky there is a mix of color she counts -Red/Blue/White/Green/Pink/Red/Yellow and she said its a Rainbow .
Then the girl asked: Rainbow why are you here?
Rainbow : I am the color of love and i want you to be with me .
Girl: what makes you think that i will  go with you?
Rainbow : Cause you are my rain with the beauty of sun in your face, without you i am nothing.

And she  become the princess of love again and forever.

Dedicated to one of my friend .Hope you will like it.

Thank you.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


A news that may or may not be true partially - entirely ,But we are human beings we valued them the way we experiencing in our life .And  partially or Entirely the news effects on our life.
Life a creation and unknown effect goes all around us .When we are born we never know whats surrounds us ,but we know always some one is there nearby us to give a way to achieve the goal,prosper of our life.As we start growing we start to Think.

Thinking a process as we learn from life ,we started to think differently and thats how views become different and we start living differently . Moreover  a great thinker said -"What we think, we will become  that". So, thinking leads to actions and actions create a positive or a negative result, which never the less leads to an emotion .

Emotion , a perfect phenomena thats gives human an ability to create the greatest civilization may be from smaller group to bigger group. But emotion gives us the ability to work together ,care for each-other.When we are happy -when are sad we want someone to share our emotions .

I found this words are the most important in any of the human life .This blog is to share the any of the words which means a lot for you .Please send any of your life thoughts, news ,emotion at my mail address and i will post them and let feel your soul the best way .Thank you readers.

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